Before Most

Third round of the EuroLegend Cup: it will take place on 26 and 27 August
at Autodrom MOST in the Czech Republic.
A lot of curiosity from the Czech public for this new competition which has become part of the Czech Truck Prix & NASCAR Whelen Euro Series weekend
The Legend Cars are ready to take to the track after the summer break and battle it out. The Most circuit has undergone modernization works in the last two years which have made it safer and more modern, but it still remains a circuit with a classic and fast,
old-fashioned layout which always offers spectacular racing.
The EuroLegend Cupstandings sees Davide Gaggianesi in the lead, just 4 points from NASKA and Simone Giussani tied for second place, while Rosario Messina is third with a gap of 11 points from the seconds: all getting ready to the door-to-door battles!
It's really difficult to make predictions: even Maselli, Cappelli, Bollini and Verdi find themselves within the space of about ten points and nothing is lost.
A very dynamic standings, which is reflected in exciting racing: so, what can we expect? Chases and overtaking with the knives between their teeth without forgetting the typical fair play of Legend Cars racing

Qualifying for the EuroLegend Cup will take place on Saturday 26 August at 9.25am and the first round 7 race at 12.25pm.
On Sunday 27 August, the appointment on the track is at 11.55am and 5.25pm
for rounds 8 and 9 of the EuroLegend Cup.
EuroLegend Cup is waiting for you in its village at Most Autodrom
to discover or learn more about the Legend Cars and their drivers and
follow our website and social channels to find out all news.